General Catalog


Outboard Roller Chain Series Side Roller

■ Highly compact ■ Wide selection ■ Quick start up




Side Roller Chain Series

Standard Specifications

Variations Base Chain

Series Regular Series

Base Chain

Side Roller

• Carbon steel • Engineering plastic (white)

• Stainless steel • Nickel-Plated & NEPTUNE ®

• Carbon steel chain • Carbon steel chain with plastic oversize “R” rollers

• Engineering plastic (white) plus Special engineering plastic brake (brown) • Special engineering plastic (black) • Special engineering plastic (black) plus Special engineering plastic brake (brown) • Engineering plastic (white) • Engineering plastic (white) plus Special engineering plastic brake (brown) Can be made with any of the above

Electro-conductive Series

• Carbon steel chain • Carbon steel chain with plastic oversize “R” rollers

• Stainless steel • Nickel-Plated & NEPTUNE ®

Poly-steel Series

• Stainless steel and Engineering plastic (white)

• Chemical Resistant • Electro-Conductive

Guide Attachment Series

• Carbon steel chain • Carbon steel chain with plastic oversize “R” rollers

• Stainless steel • Nickel-Plated & NEPTUNE ®

Note: Consult U.S. Tsubaki when using plastic brake outboard rollers on plated chains.

■ Model Identification When ordering, please indicate spacing for installing brakes and guide attachments. C2040 SS R-D 1L PSR E-T-RP

RP: rivet (standard) CP: cotter pin T: staggered H: crosswise E: electro-conductive series PSR: plastic outboard roller SR: steel outboard roller 1L: at every link 2L: at every 2nd link

Outboard roller pin type

Chain size

No code: steel NP: nickel-plated SS: stainless steel R: oversize “R” roller S: standard “S” roller

Outboard roller installation

Base chain specification

Engineering plastic outboard roller specifications

Roller type of base chain

Material of outboard roller

No code: steel D: plastic roller

Roller material of base chain

Spacing of outboard roller

Note: Plastic Brake Outboard Roller must be specific.


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