General Catalog



Roller chain is normally used as a continuous length with a connecting link, resulting in an even number of pitches. Connecting Links Standard connecting links are used when RS roller chain is operated under normal conditions. For severe applications, press fit connecting links are suggested. In either case, a spring clip connecting link is used for RS roller chains of sizes RS60 or smaller, a cottered connecting link for sizes RS80 to RS200, and a spring pin connecting link for RS240. A cottered type connecting link is used for three to six strands of RS40 to RS60. A cottered type can be provided for single and double strands of RS40 to RS60 upon request. Standard connecting links have a slip fit cover plate. The wider waist of U.S. Tsubaki's cover plates provides higher fatigue strength. Installation of press fit connecting links may be less convenient than that of standard connecting links, but performance is better. Press fit connecting links should be used in extremely high-speed or heavy duty applications. The slip fit connecting links on improved U.S. Tsubaki chain have 25% greater fatigue strength. These connecting links are ring coined, which means improved capacity for your application.

If a continuous length has an odd number of pitches, an offset link must be used. However, the use of offset links should be avoided. Offset Links Both two-pitch offset links and one-pitch offset links are available for RS roller chains. U.S. Tsubaki's redesigned link plate and improved manufacturing process make our two-pitch offset links stronger than ever. The two-pitch offset link is a combination of a roller link and an offset link connected with a riveted pin. The connecting link can be attached to either side of a two-pitch offset link. One-pitch offset links are very handy, but pin and offset link plates have to be slip-fitted. One-pitch offset links are also weaker than plain chain and two-pitch offset links. Therefore, one-pitch offset links are not suggested, especially for frequent on-and-off operation, heavy impact loads, and high-speed driving. Note: Only two-pitch offset links are available for RS25.

Two-Pitch Offset Link

Spring Clip Connecting Link

Cottered Connecting Link

One-Pitch Offset Link

Roller Chain A roller chain consists of roller links and pin links connected in series.

Roller Link

Roller Link Plate

Roller Link Plate


Bushing Roller

Pin Link Plate

Pin Link

Pin Link Plate


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