Attachment Chain Brochure


5. Convey Material While Storing

4.2 Roller Table (Chain type: RT)

Plastic rollers allow accumulation of the conveyed objects. RT type has a wider plastic roller width than ST type, and it can be used for the transfer of wide objects such as pallets and cases. Line pressure is notably reduced during accumulation because of the low roll-friction coefficient of the plastic rollers (roll-friction coefficient is between 0.06 and 0.10). This low roll-friction coefficient protects the conveyed object from damage and enables smooth divergence and confluence of the conveyed objects.

5.1 Double Strands on Top Roller (Chain type: TR) Supporting material with top roller. Also suitable as a continuous movement chain for conveying and storing with stopping ability.

Engineered Plastic Roller

5.2 Plastic Top Roller (Chain type: PT)

Top roller is made of plastic for smooth, quiet conveying.

Note: Dimensions and load ratings are given in the Plus α Alpha catalog (L10436).


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