209 - TZL - John Wheaton

John Wheaton [41:00] That's really good. Thanks for that. I had been thinking about it for quite some time. First of all, let me drop this bomb but this is partly who I am. I'm of the opinion that every firm in the design profession really should be positioned as a marketing firm that happens to do design and engineering and architecture or a communications company that happens to do this. First of all, I view any enterprise I am involved with. I view it as a marketing and advertising-based company that happens to deliver a particular thing because I think that's where we lacked the most. What we lacked the most in AEC is visibility and awareness. I primarily did a podcast because I wanted to do it because I like it because I love to talk to people and I recognized that it was a very quickly emerging trend. I enjoy listening to podcasts. I get a lot from them and I just saw a gap out there. I thought, ain't nobody doing this in our business plus my son is a certified audio technician, a producer from Sound Institute of America, whatever the name of the group is, but he actually can get in a recording studio and produce audio. He's got all the tools and equipment for it. He actually said I'm like, we should do this. And he said I'll figure it out for you. So he's the one that introduced me to the Buzz Sprout platform. I said, tell me what equipment I need, like just spec it all. And he did it and we got going on it. I would be disingenuous if I said, you know, Randy, I started it because I really wanted to emphasize our brand and bring that to the world. And, yeah, it points to our brand and my brand but I did it because I wanted to do it. I did it because I wanted to give customers a voice because there are a lot of customers that have a lot to say, and I wanted the world to hear i and I just love doing it so those are the reasons. Randy Wilburn [42:53] This is a shameless plug here because I get a lot of pushback from people in the design industry space that hey, you know, I don't know if the market is right for us to do a podcast. I'm just putting it out there. Everybody, every company, every organization, every business, for-profit, non-profit, needs to have an aspect of their story told through voice, which is the medium that we're using now. This is the platform that we're using. We are using voice. You're listening to our voices, whether you're on a run, walking the dog, washing the dishes, in traffic, whatever, you're listening to our voices right now. It's one of the most intimate settings that you can create. It's a lot different than watching a video. It can be much different than reading a blog post or even reading a Twitter post. The bottom line is that the voice is so profound, and it has such a natural connection. It's funny because as I started doing the Zweig Letter podcast people would act as if they knew me, but it was just because they were listening to the podcast all the time and they heard my voice and they were like, we felt like well-worn friends. And that's one of the unintended, really positive effects of a podcast. What you're saying is so true, right? If you're a design firm, every client that you work with all has a story.

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