
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : STORE CANNABIS EDIBLES PROPERLY, SAYS EOHU

&/#3&'r#3*&'4 DONATIONS WELCOME As provincial support funds dry up, the South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) asks residents and businesses, in the South Nation River watershed region, to consider donations to help the non-profit agency maintain its flood management and wildlife conservation work, and its community outreach work. Donations made up 10 per cent of the SNC’s 2019 budget revenue, and supported bilingual youth programs along with dedicated trail maintenance and other works. Donation information is available at or 1-877-984- 2948.– Gregg Chamberlain VILLAGE D’ANTAN FRANCO-ONTARIEN La planification se poursuit pour le projet du Village d’antan franco-on- tarien (VAFO) à Saint-Albert. Moment Factory travaille sur un rapport pour le présenter au Conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) au mois de décembre. Le rapport devrait inclure des suggestions sur la façon de recruter d’importants investissements auprès d’organismes touristiques. – Gregg Chamberlain SIKH PARAMEDICS The Ontario Public Service Employees Union is lobbying the provincial government to amend its uniform guidelines, to allow male paramedics to have beards. Devout Sikh men have full beards.

Depuis le 17 octobre, les producteurs de cannabis peuvent légalement présenter une demande auprès de Santé Canada afin de commencer à préparer des produits comestibles, à base de cannabis. Le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO) encourage donc les résidents de la région à bien entreposer leurs produits comestibles. —photo de Margo Amala sur Unsplash


and THC-based vapour products could be available to the public at the Ontario Canna- CJT4UPSF 0$4 BTFBSMZBTNJE%FDFNCFS “We’re taking this opportunity to remind the public that if they purchase or make can- nabis edibles, they must pay close attention UPXIFSFBOEIPXUIFZTUPSFUIFN uTBJE%S 1BVM3PVNFMJPUJT .FEJDBM0GàDFSPG)FBMUI BUUIF&0)6i'PPEPSDBOEZUIBUDPOUBJOT cannabis can be very dangerous for children

and pets.” Edible cannabis products can look like food or candy, they may be attractive to children and youth. Residents who purchase or make their own edible cannabis products should, accor- EJOHUPUIF&0)6 TUPSFUIFNJODIJMEQSPPG containers, label the products to ensure others know what they contain and store them out of sight and out of reach.

As of October 17, manufacturers in Ontario will legally be able to start producing edible cannabis products. 5IF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 JT therefore advising local residents take ample precautions when storing these products. Legally purchased edibles, extracts, topicals,

200 $ pour Noël 2019

Deux familles pourront vivre un meilleur Noël grâce à nos commerçants.

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