Have you ever wondered who or what is hanging in your favourite artist’s home? Wonder no more, we have asked our artists to spill the beans on who they like to collect, which pieces are on their wish list and their favourite Washington Green artist. Dolly Duck Sarah Graham Our Artists Love The Art
SIMON CLARIDGE Do you own any work by other artists? For the last few years I’ve really been trying to build my collection. Followers of my social media accounts will know I have two pugs, so I own quite a few of Gemma Correll’s “Pugs Not Drugs’’ illustrations. For our wedding, we were gifted a Sarah Graham original watercolour that we treasure dearly. We’ve also recently started collecting typographic works from Chloe Vaux and abstract works from Lola Donoghue.
LOUIS SIDOLI Do you own any work by other artists?
I have quite a few pieces of art by a range of talented artists. My favourite piece in my collection is probably the cheapest, it’s a print of ‘’Miss Wong’’ by one of the most commercially successful artists of all time, Vladimir Tretchikoff. I keep it above my desk as it reminds and inspires me to produce art that is iconic but also has popular appeal.
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