� TheHeartOfTheKing GicléeonPaper Editionof150 ImageSize22"x14½" FramedSize32"x26" £295
� MarilynWith
MontgomeryClift- TheMisfits,1960 GicléeonPaper Editionof495 ImageSize18"x12" £350
as an artist medium casts ever more shade across the truthfulness of art, which has resulted in several ongoing trends. Taking photography as one example, it would appear society has performed a volte-face and now unfiltered manufactured images cannot. Movement and spontaneity are key, photography now needs to tell a story and demonstrably capture and preserve a moment that is uncontrived and without guile. Turning to our own artists, we can see this exact theme present in the photography of Eve Arnold, Luiz Paulo Machado and Terry O’Neill, the latter of which provided the base images for Simon Claridge’s most recent silkscreen collection in May 2017. Whilst their subjects were all different, these three photographers were all famed for their ability to develop a sufficient rapport with their subjects that allowed them to move amongst them unobtrusively and capture the iconic right time, right place shots that others could not. and candid portraiture provides the authenticity that the more prolific
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