Fine Art Collector | Autumn 2017

From the

Editor Welcome to the AUTUMN 2017 issue of Fine Art Collector . As is so often the case, the transition between seasons prompts a period of reflection. Thus far, 2017 has taught us to expect the unexpected, prepare for the inconceivable, rally when threatened and to challenge the norm. Art, thankfully, is impervious to world events, and continues to present us with a portal away from events around us. It counteracts reality with realism, juxtaposes fantasists with fantasy and tackles classicism with classical. Taking art as our compass through life’s journey, who wouldn’t want to immerse themselves in the safety of childhood superheroes captured so brilliantly by Nigel Humphries, lose themselves among the crowds in Paul Kenton’s enticing cityscapes or retreat to the peaceful isolation of Richard Rowan’s Icelandic landscapes showing the aurora borealis in all its natural glory? The human spirit takes nourishment and succour from things of beauty, and actively participates in the alternative reality gifted to us by artists – a sentiment echoed by Anais Nin “I will not be just a tourist in the world of images” Continuing the theme, this issue touches on the concept of art and its challenges, from museums struggling to evolve their practices and adapt to a world of funding cuts, to the difficulties faced when art is thrown into a modern realm where digital reigns supreme and usual rules of engagement lay discarded on the studio floor. So, Collectors, we encourage you to sit back, absorb, ponder and debate the very best that AUTUMN 2017 has to offer.

FineArtCollector ispublishedbyWashingtonGreenFineArtGroupLimited. Email art@washingtongreen. Website Alltheartfeatured inFineArtCollector isavailablethrougha imagescontainedwithinthis literatureareanartistic representationofthecollection.Tobestexperienceourart, we recommendyoucontactyour localgallerytoarrangeaviewing.Prices illustratedthroughoutthismagazine are recommended retailpricesandmayvarybetweenPartnershipGalleriesdependingonstylesofpresentation.


©2017WashingtonGreenFineArtGroupLimited.Printed InEngland

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