Power-Lock Product Catalog



③  The snap ring can be easily removed with a flat-blade screwdriver. • Removing a snap ring: The snap rings for POWER-LOCKs are shaped like spirals. Insert a flat-blade screwdriver in the slit of the snap ring and slightly lift to remove. See Illustration 1.

B. Removal (1) Verify that no torque or thrust is applied to the hub and shaft. Note that in cases where a heavy shaft, hub or chain is used, disassembly may be slightly complicated. After removing the load, disassemble the unit by loosening the bolts in the correct order described in Installation A. Caution: Loosening the bolts will release the locking function, which may cause the shaft to spin or jump out. (2) If the unit does not remove even after loosening all the bolts, tighten the bolts into the screw holes prepared for removal. This will instantly release the lock.

■ Notes on SL Series Before installing an SL POWER-LOCK, loosen the locking bolts and remove the spacer inserted between the taper rings A and B. See Illustration 2.

RE Series 1: Inner Ring 2: Outer Ring 3: Locking Bolts 4. Snap Ring

SL Series 1: Taper Ring A 2: Taper Ring B 3: Inner Ring 4. Locking Bolts

C. Reusability (1) When POWER-LOCKs with specially lubricated bolts and inner rings start to flake, they cannot be reused. Also, if the end of a locking bolt seems to be damaged or if other parts show signs of wear, the product cannot be reused. (2) Assembly and disassembly of the POWER-LOCKs may be repeated a few times. However, if the hub and shaft material yield stresses σ 0.2 cannot tolerate the contact pressure P and P', repeated assembly and disassembly may damage certain parts of the hub-shaft contact surfaces.


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