Sprocket Catalog



Solid • Solid plate, welded to solid hub. • A basic, economic construction.

• Tsubaki maintains a wide array of sprocket options and can offer premium fabricated sprockets and traction rims for most Engineering Class applications. • Tsubaki sprockets are designed specifically based on the mating chain to assure proper dynamic interaction/articulation. • High Carbon, Alloy or Stainless materials are available. • A keyway and 2 set screws is standard, other locking options available on request. ENGINEERING CLASS SPROCKETS FROM TSUBAKI ®

• All Tsubaki Engineering Class sprockets/traction rims are uniquely heat treated based on specific, proprietary schedules to ensure long and reliable service life. • Lightening holes, utilized to reduce weight and allow for efficient/safe handling are available for most designs. • Leverage the following data sheets to accurately document your sprocket for a quotation or call 1-800-323-7790 to discuss your project in detail with a Tsubaki Sprocket Specialist.

Split • Split plate, split hub. • A basic construction that allows for easier installation – can remove without removing shaft.

Segmented • Solid plate welded to hub with bolt on segments. • An innovative construction that allows for easy segment replacement— can remove without removing shaft or hub body.

SMART TOOTH ® SPROCKET TECHNOLOGY Tsubaki’s Smart Tooth ® sprockets with patented Wear Indicator Technology offer the ability to easily and proactively identify and schedule maintenance before a critical component failure. This innovative design not only allows for proactive sprocket wear identification, it also mitigates the risk of worn sprockets permanently damaging the mating chain. This patented technology is available on most Engineering Class Sprockets.

Segmented / Split • A split plate/hub with bolt on segments. • Ultimate flexibility – Segment or hub body can be easily serviced/ replaced without removing shaft.

Hunting Tooth • A unique construction that allows for extended service life. • Hunting tooth sprockets have an odd number of teeth and are half the pitch of the mating chain. Every time the sprocket makes a revolution, the chain engages with one set of teeth, ahead of the previously engaged set. Hence, each sprocket tooth only sees engagement every other rotation. Double Duty • An innovative construction that allow for extended service life. • Double Duty sprockets are double cut and have an even number of teeth. Utilizing strategic, manual indexing, this design can provide extended service life, somewhat similar to a hunting design for an even tooth setup.

Chain Roller Pressure Angle

Tooth Force

Chain Tension


Link Tension

Frictional Tooth Force

Acceptable Wear Area


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