The Complete Guide to Chain

1. Transmission Chains

(1) Carbon steel sprockets with plain bores. (Sintered metal or cast iron are sometimes used.) (2) Carbon steel sprockets with finished bores, keyway, and setscrews. TAPER-LOCK ® and QD ® bores are also available. (3) 304 stainless steel sprockets with plain bores. (4) Engineered plastic sprockets with plain bores. (5) POWER-LOCK ® sprockets, which do not require a keyway or setscrew.

Selection and Handling See Chapters 4 through 7 in the Basics Section.

1.1.2 BS/DIN Roller Chain Transmission: General usage

Application Example BS/DIN power transmission chains are regulated by international standards (ISO 606B) and are used primarily in Europe. In Japan and the United States, BS/DIN chains are used in transmission equipment imported from European countries or for licensed production. Selection and Handling Compared to the same-sized ANSI Roller Chains, the power ratings of BS/DIN chains in drive applications (tent curve) are a little lower (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Power Ratings for Standard ANSI and BS/DIN Roller Chains

Pitch (mm)

Number of



Chain No.

Sprocket Teeth


Rating (kW)


25.4 25.4 50.8 50.8

19 19 19 19

500 500 500 500

24.1 22.0 76.1 70.0

RS16B RS160 RS32B

TAPER-LOCK ® is a registered trademark of Reliance Electric Company. QD ® is a registered trademark of and is used under license from Emerson Electric Company.


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