The Complete Guide to Chain


• Connecting link plates are press fit to maintain the higher fatigue resistance. • The middle link plates of multiple strand chain’s connecting link are not press fit. They are specially constructed for higher fatigue strength. • Connecting links are fitted with high-strength spring pins. Because of these features, Super Roller Chains offer higher maximum allow- able tension, greater tensile strength, and increased shock resistance. Table 1.2 shows a comparison between Number 100 Super Roller Chain and Standard Roller Chain. Number 100 Super Roller Chain performs at the same level as RS120. Both have a maximum allowable tension of 30.4 kN. Sprockets High performance chain usually requires carbon steel sprockets. Cast iron sprockets with few teeth may lack adequate strength. Steel sprockets are avail- able for single or multiple strand. Check the keyway strength of the sprockets before ordering to make sure they provide enough strength. Selection and Handling Super Roller Chains are available in sizes 80 through 240. Smaller chains ( ≤ 60), stainless steel chains, and offset links are not available in Super Roller Chain. When installing Super Roller Chain, do not use the connecting link from Standard Roller Chain. Only special press fit connecting links should be used with Super Roller Chains. Super Roller Chains are susceptible to wear and elongation. Therefore, it is very important to provide proper lubrication. (Refer to manufacturer’s catalog for details.)


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