The Complete Guide to Chain

1. Transmission Chains

1.2.4Ultra Super Chain Super-heavy transmission

Application Example Ultra Super Chain has the highest tensile strength and greatest allowable ten- sion of any chain that can mate with a standard sprocket. These features also allow the drive train of the equipment to be smaller. (See Figure 1.6.)

Figure 1.6 Ultra Super Roller Chain

Construction and Features Ultra Super Chains have the same chain pitch, roller diameter, and width between inner link plates as ANSI Standard Chain. However, the link plate thickness is the same as the next-larger chain. The pin diameter is larger than ANSI Standard Chains. Table 1.5 compares RS100 Roller Chain and 100 Ultra Super Chain. In this chain series, both the average tensile strength and maxi- mum allowable tension are increased, even over Super-H Chains. Number 100 Ultra Super Chains have the same maximum tension as RS140, which is two sizes larger.

Table 1.5 Comparison of ANSI Standard Chain (RS) with Ultra Super Chain (US)

Average Tensile Strength

Maximum Allowable


RS100 US100

118 kN 172 kN

22.6 kN 39.2 kN




Sprockets See “Super Roller Chain” Section.

Selection and Handling (1) Choose these chains using the guidelines for low-speed selection. (2) Ultra Super Chain is available in sizes 100 through 240. (Number 180 is not available.)


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