The Complete Guide to Chain


1.4.2 WP ® Roller Chain Transmission: Corrosion-resistant type

Application Example WP Roller Chains offer the strength and durability of ANSI Roller Chains plus a special surface treatment that stands up to water, and even sea water. Construction and Features WP Roller Chains are mechanically coated to resist rust. Mechanical coating is different than applying electroplating, or chemically plating the components. Some manufacturers produce chemically plated chains. To chemically plate chains, zinc and chrome are used in a high-temperature process. The chains resist rusting when the chlorine ion is present. However, if the chains are chemically plated after assembly, press-fit parts will lose some of the interfer- ence due to exposure to high temperatures. This decreases the maximum allowable tension. Also the hardness of the working parts is decreased, which reduces the wear resistance. In WP Roller Chains, zinc and chrome are used, and the rust resistance to chlorine ions is the same as that of chemically plated chains. But, because WP Roller Chains are not exposed to high temperatures during the mechanical plating process, they have higher maximum allowable tension. The surface of WP Roller Chain is olive-gray. Selection and Handling (1) The tensile strength and maximum allowable tension of WP Roller Chains are the same as those of Standard Roller Chains. (2) Working temperature range is -10˚ to 60˚C. (3) Avoid using these chains if they will have direct contact with foods. The foods may become contaminated.


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