The Complete Guide to Chain


• Exceptional corrosion resistance and strength at high temperatures. These chains can operate in high temperatures, but the manufacturer should be contacted for applications above 400˚C. • These chains may be used in extremely low temperatures, because low temperature brittleness does not occur. • There is slight magnetism, due to the cold working processes. • Due to the cold working processes, the surface of the chains may rust in some conditions. • The tensile strength of SS chain is almost half that of RS Roller Chains. • The chain parts are not heat-treated (such as quenching and tempering). The tensile strength and hardness of these parts are lower than that of RS Roller Chains. • Because the surface hardness of the working parts (pins, bushings and rollers) is low, the wear resistance is also less than that of RS Roller Chains. Due to the lower thermal conductivity of stainless steel, the working parts retain more heat, which also lowers the allowable tension of SS Roller Chains. The allowable tension of the chain is determined by the wear resistance. • Numbers 11 through 240 are available. (Number 15 is not available.) Only sizes smaller than number 80 are usually stocked. Nonhardened materials with low thermal conductivity must be designed with smaller press fits. This fact also makes the allowable tension of these chains lower than RS Roller Chains. Sprockets SS Roller Chains run on standard-sized sprockets. In corrosive conditions, stainless steel or engineered plastic (less than 70 m/min.) sprockets should be used. Carbon steel sprockets may corrode and contaminate the chain and the environment. Selection and Handling If SS Roller Chain is used in water within the allowable load published by the manufacturer, the water acts as a lubricant, and the chain has additional wear resistance. (See Figure 1.13.) Check the manufacturer’s catalog for the conditions when SS Roller Chain is appropriate. When determining the allowable tension, do not consider the safety factor and/or the tensile strength of SS Roller Chains shown in manufacturers’ cata- logs. The tensile strength of SS Roller Chain has no practical meaning. Surface treatment of the working parts, such as platings or nitriding, may improve the wear resistance of SS Roller Chains, but the coating may peel off and contaminate the environment. Nitriding usually reduces the corrosion resistance of the chains. Contact the manufacturer for additional information.


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