The Complete Guide to Chain


AS Series Pins, bushings, and rollers (double pitch oversized rollers are SS304) are made of precipitation-hardened stainless steel. The plates are made of the same material as SS Roller Chains. Due to the hardened pins and bushings, this series has higher wear resistance. The maximum allowable tension is 1.5 times that of SS Roller Chains. That means you can use a smaller chain and get equivalent performance. The corrosion resistance is less than SS Roller Chains. These chains are somewhat magnetic. Other Precipitation-Hardened Series There are other types of stainless steel chains that have case-hardened or all precipitation-hardened stainless steel components, including the link plates. The tensile strength is higher than SS Roller Chains, however, the wear resistance and the maximum allowable tension are the same. Talk with the manufacturer about the availability and applications of these chains. SS Engineered Plastic Sleeve Series The engineered plastic sleeve between the pins and bushings make this a lube-free variation of SS Roller Chains. These chains cannot typically work in water or other liquids with some exception, such as Tsubaki LS series, but are good for indoor conditions where rust should be avoided. The allowable ten- sion is the same as SS Roller Chains. TI Series All parts are made of titanium or titanium alloy. These chains have greater corrosion resistance in chloric conditions and no magnetism. The chain’s weight is very light (about half of the same-sized steel chain). The allowable tension is the same as SS Roller Chains. Technical Trends In stainless steel chain design, corrosion resistance is the most important fac- tor. The allowable tension is much lower than RS Roller Chains. For example, the maximum allowable tension for RS80SS is 1.77 kN versus 14.7 kN for RS80. The allowable tension for SS Roller Chain is about one-eighth that of RS Roller Chain. In the AS series, the ratio is 1 to 5.5. Researchers continue to study ways of increasing wear resistance and allowable press fit at assembly.


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