The Complete Guide to Chain

1. Transmission Chains

1.4.4 Poly-Steel Chain (PC) Transmission, conveyance: Lube-free type. Food or medicine production Application Example Poly-Steel (PC) Chains are lube-free chains used in food or medicine produc- tion. PC Chains can be used in power-transmission applications, and, with the addition of attachments on the outer plates, as conveyors. (See Figure 1.14.)

304 Stainless Steel

Engineered Plastic

Figure 1.14 Poly-Steel Chain

Construction and Features The chains are a construction of outer links (outer plates and pins) made of SS304, and inner links made of engineered plastic. There are no rollers. Features are shown below. (1) Inner links are made of a self-lubricating material; therefore, the chains do not require lubrication. The wear resistance of these chains is higher than that of Stainless Steel Roller Chains without lubrication (Figure 1.15). (2) Because the inner link is made of plastic, the noise caused by engagement with the sprocket is lower (about 5 dB lower than Standard Roller Chain). (3) PC Chain is very light; about half that of Standard Roller Chains. (4) There are five sizes for this series: Numbers 25, 35, 40, 50, and 60. The maximum allowable tension varies from 0.08 to 0.88 kN. Sprockets Standard sprockets are used. The three major sizes have the same dimen- sions as ANSI Roller Chain; Numbers 25 and 35 are slightly wider. In corrosive conditions, carbon steel sprockets may corrode and contaminate the applica- tion. Use stainless steel or, at slow speeds (less than 70 m/min.), use engi- neered plastic sprockets.


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