The Complete Guide to Chain


(3) The pins articulate directly on the plates, and the bearing pressure is very high. The chains need regular lubrication. The use of SAE 30 or 40 machine oil is suggested for most applications. (4) When the chain speed is greater than 30 m/min., or if the chain is cycled more than 1,000 times in a day, it will wear very quickly, even with

lubrication. In either of these cases, use RS Roller Chains. (5) AL-type should be used only under conditions in which:

• There are no shock loads. • Wear is not a big problem. • Number of cycles is less than 100 a day. Under other conditions, BL-type should be considered. (6) If you select a chain using a low safety factor, the stress in parts becomes higher. In this situation, if the chain is used in corrosive conditions, it may fatigue and break very quickly. If you’re operating under these conditions, perform maintenance frequently. (7) The shape of the clevis depends on the type of end link of the chain (outer link or inner link). Manufacturers produce clevis pins or clevis connectors, but typically, the user supplies the clevis (Figures 1.26 and 1.27). The strands should be furnished to length by the manufacturer. An incorrectly made clevis may reduce the working life of the chain. Contact the manufacturer or refer to the ANSI standard. (8) The sheaves are usually supplied by the user.

Clevis Connector

Clevis for Outer Link

Figure 1.26 Leaf Chain

Clevis Pin

Clevis for Inner Link

Figure 1.25 Leaf Chain Sheave

Figure 1.27 Leaf Chain


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