The Complete Guide to Chain


(6) Because the link plates of Silent Chain strike the sprocket at an angle, the impact and the noise are reduced (Figure 1.30). This is why these chains are called “silent.” The higher the chain speed, the greater the difference from roller chains.




Figure 1.29 Silent Chain Components

Figure 1.30 Silent Chain Strikes the Sprocket at an Angle, Reducing Noise

Sprockets The sprocket for Silent Chain is shaped like a gear. In the ANSI standard, the tooth working face is a straight line. But in HY-VO ® Chains (see Applications Series below), an involute tooth is used for the sprocket.

Selection and Handling (1) Silent Chains are good for high-speed transmission.

(2) If single- or multiple-strand roller chains are an option, they are less expensive. Wider Silent Chain becomes relatively competitive in price. (3) Silent Chains must be lubricated during operation. Use an oil bath if the speed is less than 600 m/min. If the speed is more than 600 m/min., or if the shaft center distance is short, use a pump or forced lubrication. Silent Chains wear rapidly without lubrication. (4) The notch on the plates can engage with the sprockets from only one direction. The chain is not for reversing applications. (5) To select the right Silent Chain for your operation, refer to the manufacturer’s catalog.


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