The Complete Guide to Chain

2. Small Pitch Conveyor Chains

Construction and Features This chain is based on Standard RS Roller Chain with added attachments for conveyance, as indicated in ANSI B29.1 for reference. Table 2.1 shows the chain size, pitch, and maximum allowable tension for standard products from Tsubaki. Among these chains, Numbers 40, 50, 60, and 80 are used most frequently. The features are shown below: (1) Due to the small pitch of these chains, the drive design is smaller. (2) Usually sprockets with a large number of teeth are used. Therefore, the chain speed does not vary significantly, and the chain engages with sprockets with less noise. (3) These chains may be used for high-speed conveyors. (4) A wide variety of standard attachments and special attachments (Plus α Alpha series) are available for this chain series. (5) Slip-fit, spring-clip type connecting links are provided for RS40, RS50, and RS60 chains. RS80 has cottered connecting links.

Sprockets Standard RS Roller Chain sprockets are used with these chains.

Selection and Handling (1) If the attachments receive large bending or twisting forces, make sure the chain has adequate strength. In these conditions, Double Pitch Roller Chain or a chain with larger pitch will be more effective; both have larger attachments. (2) Due to light weight, the chain inertia is smaller. (3) The tolerance of the overall chain length is -0.05 to 0.25 percent (JIS Standard) of the standard length. This is greater than that of RS Roller Chain. (4) In these chains, the clearance between the parts is small. Chain articulation is easily affected by dirt or contamination in the joints. Application Series (1) Lubrication free: LAMBDA ® series (operating temperature of -10˚ to 60˚C). (2) Environmentally resistant: Special coatings or base materials may be

used to add extra resistance. These include: • Coating: Nickel plating, WP ® specification.

• Material: 304 stainless steel SS-type, AS-type with the pins, bushings, and rollers made of precipitation-hardened stainless steel and the other components the same material as SS-type.


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