The Complete Guide to Chain

2. Small Pitch Conveyor Chains

For Expansion of Number of Tools

Chain-Type ATC

Disc-Type ATC

Tool Replacement Position

Figure 2.14 Ways to Add Tools

Construction and Features There are two types of ATC Chains: SK and HP. Note the following features: SK series has two strands of chain in which the pitch of the outer link and inner link is different. SK attachments are placed on every other link. There are three standard tool pitches: 95.25, 114.30, and 133.35 mm, which are based on RS100, 120, and 140 transmission chains, respectively. The SK series can bend in only one direction. HP series has large-diameter hollow pins. There are five standard tool pitches: 90, 100, 130, 140, and 160 mm. HP series can bend in both directions, which permits more freedom in design. Both types of chain are available for any shank number, including 40 and 50 in MAS, ANSI, and ISO types. Special ATC Chains are also available for 25, 30, 35, 45, and 60; check with the manufacturer. Sprockets The SK series ATC Chain uses the sprockets that are used for duplex power transmission roller chain. (The tooth range is limited.) HP series ATC Chain requires special sprockets. Selection and Handling (1) ATC Chains must be lubricated. (2) When there is excessive tool overhang, use a tool guide to keep the chain straight. (3) Change tools at the position shown in Figure 2.15. (4) Positioning pins and grippers help to maintain accurate placement.


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