The Complete Guide to Chain


Installation of Hook

Double Strands Convey Long Materials

Figure 2.22 SA-2 Attachment

Figure 2.23 SAAttachments Are Adaptable for Use with Hooks or Slats

2.3.4 SK Attachment SK attachments are made by installing SA attachments on both sides of the chain. They are called SK-1 or SK-2, depending on the number of bolt holes on one side. The attachment interval can vary the same as the A attachment (Figure 2.24). Usually SK attachments are used with dogs or jigs (Figure 2.25). SK attach- ments are strong enough to stand up to bending or twisting forces. The return side of SK attachment chains cannot be supported by guide rails on the rollers like A or SA attachment chains. The return must be slack or sup- ported in some other manner.

Installation of Pusher

Installation of V-block

Figure 2.24 SK-1 Attachments

Figure 2.25 SK Attachments May Be Used with Dogs or Jigs


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