The Complete Guide to Chain

3. PRECISION CONVEYOR CHAINS Times have changed. In the old days, most accurate indexing drives used a turntable or pushing transfer. But these designs have limits on the number of station installations and starting and stopping cycles (Figure 3.1). In the 1980s, Precision Conveyor Chains were developed for this application. These chains do not wear or elongate, which were the major obstacles to chains in accurate indexing drives. In addition, the number of stations is limited only by the practical length of the chain. And there is more freedom in the starting and stopping cycle, because the chain can be connected in a series (Figure 3.2).

Indexing Table

Chain Conveyor

Pusher Transfer

Figure 3.1 ATurntable and Pushing Transfer Set-Up

Figure 3.2 Precision Conveyor Chain Set-Up


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