The Complete Guide to Chain


4.2.3 TTUP Top Chain Top Chain: Engineered plastic for curved conveyance

Application Example Bottling, canning, and general uses

One or more strands of TTUP Top Chains are used for conveying or accu- mulating objects that are easily scratched, for example, bottles, cans, and fine- ly machined parts.

Construction and Features (1) TTUP Top Chain is based on engineered plastic TP Top Chain, Type II, but it has extra side-flexing capability. It can curve around corners with minimum radius (R) of 600 mm. This is accomplished with tapered knuckles. (2) There are no float-prevention tabs on links of TTUP Top Chain (Figure 4.6). (3) Tables 4.6 and 4.7 show the main functions and available top plate widths for different chain series.


Figure 4.6 TTUPTop Chain


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