The Complete Guide to Chain

4. Top Chains

Sprockets An engineered plastic idler pulley may be substituted for the sprocket at the tail shaft. The idler pulley rotates freely, without bearings, on the fixed steel shaft. NOTE: Excessive chain tension can damage the idler pulley. In high temperatures, use steel sprockets. If the operating temperature exceeds 150°C, contact the manufacturer.

Table 4.9 TPU Top Chain Special Feature Availability

Top Plate




Width (mm) Standard Friction Resistant


Electroconductive Plastic Pin


: Available

Selection and Handling TPU is similar to TTUP except for the following points: (1) TPU Top Chain has float-prevention tabs. (2) It is difficult to detach the chain from guide rails. (3) Float-prevention tabs allow the chain to easily follow any changes in rail direction, from horizontal to vertical (Figure 4.8).

Drive Sprocket

Driven Sprocket

Figure 4.8 TPU Float-Prevention Tabs Allow the Chain to Follow the Direction of the System


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