The Complete Guide to Chain


4.2.9 TN Snap-On Top Plate Chain Top Chain: Engineered plastic top plates. Linear conveyance, general uses Application Example TN Snap-On Top Plate Chain is used for conveying and accumulating objects that are easily scratched (Figures 4.14 and 4.15), and can be used alone or sev- eral strands in parallel. Construction and Features (1) This linear conveyance chain consists of engineered plastic top plates snapped onto outer links of RS60 Roller Chain (chain pitch: 19.05 mm, with nonriveted pin ends). It is easy to install or exchange top plates in this chain. When snap-on top plates of two or more separate chains are guided by the liners, it is possible to move conveyed objects across chains. (2) Table 4.13 shows the maximum allowable tension and available widths of top plates for base chains made of different materials. Notice the higher maximum allowable loads for carbon steel and plated carbon steel chains.




RS60 Special Base Chain

Figure 4.14 TN Top Chain

Figure 4.15 TN Top Chain Has Level Top Plates


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