The Complete Guide to Chain

4. Top Chains

4.2.11 Bel-Top Chain Top Chain: Engineered plastic belt-shaped chain. Bottling, canning, and general uses Application Example Bel-Top Chain offers the power and reliability of a chain system with the smooth operation of a belt. The chain is used for linear conveyance, accumu- lation, side loading, and movement of cans, bottles, or other materials that are easily scratched (Figure 4.17). Accumulation and movement with Bel-Top Chain is smoother than a system with several strands of Engineered Plastic Top Chains. In addition, the Bel-Top Chain system, including guide rails and other parts, costs less. Construction and Features (1) The chain consists of engineered plastic modular links with small pitch (19.05 mm) and pins. It combines the functions of a chain and belt (Figure 4.18).

Figure 4.17 Bel-Top Chain

Figure 4.18 Bel-Top Chain Combines the Features of Chains and Belts


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