The Complete Guide to Chain


Due to the difference in diameter between large and small rollers, the pallets move faster than the chains. The speed ratio (K) is calculated by the following formula: K = 1 + (large roller diameter/small roller diameter). The value of K is usually between 2.5 and 3.0. During the accumulating mode, the large rollers that support the pallet rotate in the opposite direction from the small rollers. Due to this relative motion, friction results between the two rollers, and chain tension increases. After the accumulator stop is released, the friction between large and small rollers will gradually increase the pallet speed, and eventually the pallet will resume full conveying speed (Figure 5.5).

Large Roller

Small Roller

Why is Free Flow possible in this structure?

Large Roller


Small Roller

Small Roller

• When Conveying -Friction between the large center roller and the small roller allows them to rotate in unison. • When Accumulating -The larger roller rotates freely in the opposite direction of the small roller allowing conveyed objects to accumulate. We call this free flow conveying.

Safety Cover

Steel Base Chain

Small rollers are installed in both sides of large rollers

Guide Rail

Figure 5.5 Basic Operation of DOUBLE PLUS ® Chain

Features of DOUBLE PLUS ® Chain include the following: (1) Safe design, due to only large rollers being exposed when the chain cover is installed. (2) Low operational noise, due to low chain speed. (3) High wear resistance, because the large and small rollers are made of engineered plastic.

Large Roller

Large Roller

Small Roller

Small Roller



Safety Cover

Safety Cover

Steel Base Chain

Steel Base Chain

Guide Rail

Guide Rail

Figure 5.6 Two Types of DOUBLE PLUS ® Chain


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