The Complete Guide to Chain


5.2.2 Outboard Roller Chain—Side Roller Type Free Flow Chain: Electric, electronic and precision machinery conveyance Application Example Outboard Roller Chain with Side Rollers (Side Roller Chain) is used for free flow conveyance, like DOUBLE PLUS ® Chain, in the electric, electronic equip- ment, and auto parts industries. Usually two strands are used on the equip- ment (Figure 5.10). Please refer to DOUBLE PLUS Chain, in Applications Section 5.1.1, for typical pallet size and weight guidelines. Construction and Features Side Roller Chain is based on standard roller chain with side rollers installed on extended pins. There are three types of base chain: (1) RF-type (double pitch roller chain) with S-rollers (straight side plates, small rollers). (2) RF-type (double pitch roller chain) with R-rollers (straight side plates, oversized rollers). (3) RS-type (figure-eight side plates, small rollers; oversized rollers are not available).

Conveyed Material



Figure 5.10 Outboard Roller Chain with Side Rollers

You can select various combinations of chain materials; carbon steel, plated carbon steel, various stainless steel materials, and/or engineered plastic. The relation between roller material availability and applicable chain sizes is shown in Table 5.2. Small sprockets can be used with the RS-type to minimize conveyor height. Because the side roller diameter is larger than the chain pitch for the RS-


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