The Complete Guide to Chain

5. Free Flow Chains

5.2.3Outboard Roller Chain—Top Roller Type Free Flow Chain: Automotive industry, precision equipment industry, general uses Application Example Outboard Roller Chain with Top Rollers (Top Roller Chain) is used primarily in the automotive and precision equipment industries for free flow conveyance (Figure 5.12). Construction and Features Top Roller Chain is based on the standard chain with extended side plates (SK-1 attachments). Top rollers are installed on the pins that connect SK-1 extended plates. Pallets with conveyed objects are loaded on the top rollers. Table 5.4 shows some of the base chains that are available.

Plastic Top Roller

Steel Top Roller

Regular Series

Figure 5.12 Outboard Roller Chain with Top Rollers

Table 5.4 Outboard Roller Chain (Top Roller)

Base Chain

Top Roller Spacing Top Roller Material Chain Pitch *Max. Allowable Load (kN)

RS Roller Chain Every Pitch, 2nd Pitch Steel, Plastic


2.65~17.1 2.65~17.1

Double Pitch Chain

Every Pitch Every Pitch

Steel, Plastic


Engineering Chain 4.2~35 *Maximum allowable load listed in this table for RS Roller Chain and Double Pitch Chain is the same as that of standard carbon steel chains. For the Engineering Chain, it is one-seventh of the average tensile strength of standard chains. Steel 75~200


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