The Complete Guide to Chain


6.2.2 RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain Large conveyance: High performance chain. General uses

Application Example RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain is used in automobile, steel, electric, and other industries.

Figure 6.4 RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain



Cylindrical Roller Bearing


Figure 6.5 RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain Includes Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Construction and Features In this large conveyor chain, cylindrical roller bearings are installed between the bushing and roller of the RF Conveyor Chain (Figures 6.4 and 6.5). Compared to basic RF Conveyor Chain, RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain has the following features: (1) The coefficient of rolling friction for RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain is one-third to one-sixth that for RF Conveyor Chain. Basic RF Conveyor Chain: without lubrication, 0.13 to 0.18; with lubrication, 0.08 to 0.12. RF Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain: 0.03. This means the chain tension is reduced, and, frequently, a smaller chain size can be used. The conveyor will also require less energy to operate, making it more economical. (2) The initial cost of equipment is reduced. Because the coefficient of rolling friction is lower, you can use smaller sprockets, motors, reducers, shafts, bearings, and frames.


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