The Complete Guide to Chain


6.2.3 RF Plastic Roller Plus Plastic Sleeve Conveyor Chain Large Pitch Conveyor Chain: Maintenance-free type for light load Application Example RF Plastic Roller Plus Plastic Sleeve Conveyor Chain is ideal for maintenance- free, light-load applications. It is not suitable for conveying bulk materials (such as grains) or when the application exposes it to rough handling (Figure 6.8).

Engineered Plastic Roller

Operation Time without Lubrication

Engineered Plastic Sleeve

Figure 6.8 RF Plastic Roller Plus Plastic Sleeve Conveyor Chain

Figure 6.9 Wear Comparison

Construction and Features See the section on Plastic Sleeve Chain in Small Pitch Conveyor Chains (Figure 6.9).

Sprockets Standard RF Conveyor Chain sprockets may be used.

Selection and Handling The maximum allowable load of this chain is smaller than the standard series. For example, maximum allowable load of RF05100-R with plastic sleeve is 5.20 kN (with 8-tooth sprocket), while for the standard type it is 9.80 kN. This represents 47 percent reduction in the maximum allowable load. The coefficient of rolling friction is also 47 percent lower (0.08 versus 0.15 for stan- dard type without lubrication). Therefore, it is important to note that while the maximum allowable chain tension is reduced, the coefficient of friction is also reduced commensurately. The result is that the allowable conveyed object weight on the conveyor remains the same.


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