The Complete Guide to Chain

6. Large Pitch Conveyor Chains

Sprocket Body

Nut Tooth Insert


Figure 6.12 Detachable-Tooth Sprocket

Selection and Handling (1) Choose Bucket Elevator Chain carefully. If the chain breaks, it is extremely difficult and time consuming to remove broken chain from the bottom of the casing. Re-installation is also very demanding. Rely on chain from manufacturers with proven records for quality and reliability. (2) Use special tools to connect and disconnect chain links. (3) Avoid grinding the pins, heating the plates, or increasing the size of side plate holes during chain assembly. These procedures, sometimes used at facilities, allow easier assembly of links; however, it compromises the strength of chain, which can lead to ultimate failure. (4) Consider using detachable-tooth sprockets. (5) For safety reasons, inspect chain and sprockets frequently, since chains and sprockets have a limited useful life.


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