The Complete Guide to Chain

6. Large Pitch Conveyor Chains

1. Solid Pusher

3. Ducking Dog

Inner or outer pusher link to push material.

The dog is supported on the guide rail to convey material. When the guide rail is interrupted, the dog ducks down, leaves the material, and passes beneath it.

2. Tilting Dog

4. Tilting and Ducking Dog Both tilting and ducking functions are combined. When the dog comes in contact with the table surface, it lets the material pass over. When the guide

When material on the conveyor runs relatively faster than the chain, the dog is pushed down from behind to enable material to pass over. The dog then resumes its original position.

rail is discontinued, the dog leaves the material, and passes beneath it.

Figure 6.23 Installation of Pushers on Block Chain

Sprockets Sprocket teeth engage the inside plate of the chain, entering the area between outer links. The sprocket skips every second tooth to allow for the solid block. Selection and Handling (1) Select a sprocket with more than 12 teeth. (2) Use a sprocket with an outer plate support piece (Figure 6.24). (3) Install hardened bushings in the inner link for improved wear elongation resistance (Figure 6.25).


Figure 6.25 Hardened Bushings

Figure 6.24 Sprocket with Outer Plate Support Piece

Improve Wear Resistance


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