The Complete Guide to Chain

6. Large Pitch Conveyor Chains

6. RFD attachments The upper side of the link plate is tall; it actually sticks above the R-roller (Figure 6.40). Therefore, conveyed objects can be placed directly on the chain. This is a very economical design.

Figure 6.40 RFD Attachments

6.5 PLUS α ALPHA ATTACHMENTS Although these are not standard attachments, tooling is available. They have been used in a variety of applications, and they have proven to be effective. Please try to incorporate them in your designs. These attachments are also available with the chains shown below: • Treated-surface type, such as plated chain. • 304 stainless steel or other special materials. • Bearing roller or bearing bush specification. Tables 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 show the major types of industry-specific attachments.


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