The Complete Guide to Chain


Table 6.8 Plus α Alpha Attachments

For storage of materials on the table surface.

With Tilting Dog


When material on the conveyor runs relatively faster than the chain, the dog is pushed down from behind to enable material to pass over. The dog then resumes its original position.

Table Surface

Direction of Travel

Table Surface

For storage of cylindrical materials.

With Roller Tilting Dog


When the conveyor runs on descent, the dog prevents the cylindrical material from excessive run. When the material is in front of the dog, the dog is pushed down and can store the material.



Table Surface

Direction of Travel (in case of storage)

For leaving materials at the designated station.

With Ducking Dog


The dog is supported on the guide rail to convey materi- al. When the guide rail is interrupted, the dog ducks down, leaves the material, and passes beneath it.

Table Surface

Direction of Travel

Table Surface

For storage of cylindrical materials without noise.

With Teeth Dog


The dog functions best when the chain conveys the material on descent, preventing it from excessive run and storing it. As the dog resumes its original position at the engagement of a sprocket tooth, it does not damage the material and makes little noise.


Direction of Travel (in case of storage)

For both storage and pushing.

With ID


At the time that the dog pushes the material, if unex- pected load operates the dog, it ducks down, leaving the material as it passes beneath it.


Direction of Travel


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