The Complete Guide to Chain

2. Chain Dynamics

2. In addition to the tensile strength, the most important fact about a stress- strain graph is the value of stretch at the time of breakage. If the chain’s tensile strength is higher and the capacity to stretch is greater, the chain can absorb more energy before it breaks. This means the chain won’t be easily broken even if it receives unexpected shock load. (In Figure 2.2, the cross-hatched area is the value of energy that the chain can absorb before it breaks.) Elastic Elongation Another important characteristic in practice is how much elastic elongation the chain will undergo when it is subjected to tension. When you use chains for elevators on stage, if there is a difference between the stage floor and the elevator platform, the dancers will trip on it. In an elevator parking garage, it is necessary to lower cars down to the entrance within a small difference in the level. Therefore, it is important to anticipate how long the chain’s elastic stretch will be. Figure 2.4 shows elasticity/stretch for power transmission roller chains. Please contact the individual manufacturers about small and large pitch con- veyor chains.

Max. Allowable Load

Max. Allowable Load

Elongation (mm/m)

Elongation (mm/m)

Figure 2.4 Elastic Elongation on Roller Chain


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