The Complete Guide to Chain


Procedure 1

MakeN' > 15 T

Provisional selection of one size smaller than that selected for chain and sprocket N' from the provisional selection table


Procedure 2

Calculate the static chain tension F m on the chain from the rated kW of the prime motor


Knowing the load F t (actual load) on the chain


Procedure 3

Service factor K s

Speed factor K v

Procedure 4

Sprocket teeth factor K c

Procedure 5

Calculation for design chain tension F t , F' m


F' t (or F' m ) < Max. allowable tension =

Reconsider chain size


Procedure 6

Determine the chain size

Determine the number of teeth N for the large sprocket from the speed ratio i

Distance between shafts and max. shaft diameters have been confirmed by general selection method.

Determine the chain and sprocket

Procedure 7

Calculate the chain length L (number of links)

Procedure 8

Decide the method of lubrication from the rpm of the small sprocket


Figure 4.11 Chain Selection Procedure (Slow Speed)


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