The Complete Guide to Chain


• The chain speed should be less than 50 m/min. If it is more than 50 m/min., consult the manufacturer. • Use tap fit connecting links that have a tight interference fit. When you want to use normal connecting links or offset links, you must apply the appropriate derating value (Basics Section 2.2.3) to the chain strength. • Lubricate the chain joints as much as possible after you reduce the loads. Lubrication is also required at terminal connections, etc. • Make sure to follow proper safety procedures, including: a. Be sure that no one is under the suspended objects. b.Install a reliable safety guard to avoid damage in the event of chain failure. c. Examine chains regularly, and replace when necessary. Figure 4.12 shows some common examples of hanging use. Selection is done according to the flow chart in Figure 4.13.


End Fittings

Roller Chains


End Fittings

Roller Chains

Roller Chains



Roller Chains

End Fittings Fork


End Fittings

End Fittings

Figure 4.12 Typical Configurations for Hanging Chain


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