The Complete Guide to Chain

4. How to Select Chains

Data required

Confirmation of the motor characteristics


Frequency: 5 times/day, (more than 8 hours)


Calculate the chain tension from the load

Calculate the chain tension from the motor

Confirm the mass M (Weight W) of the load

From inertia ratio R

From the time for acceleration, deceleration

Shock factor: K

Time for acceleration t s

Time for deceleration t b

Service factor: K s

Calculate the chain tension F s

Calculate the chain tension F b

Starting torque: T s

Stalling torque: T b

Speed factor: K v

Calculate the chain tension F ms

Calculate the chain tension F mb

Choose larger value

Speed factor: K v

Sprocket tooth factor: K c

Choose larger value

Sprocket tooth factor: K c

Calculate the design chain tension F' ms (or F' mb )

Calculate the design chain tension F' s (or F' b )

Calculate the design chain tension F' w

Choose larger value

Unbalance coefficient K u

Determine the chain size where a large tension for F' w , F' ms (or F' mb ), F' s (or F' b ), < Max. allowable. =

Determine the small sprocket N', large sprocket N

Confirm the distance between shafts

Confirm that the sprockets fit the shafts.

Determine the chain and sprocket

Calculate the chain length (number of links)

Determine the lubrication method from the rpm of the small sprocket


Figure 4.13 Chain Selection Procedure (Hanging Chain)


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