The Complete Guide to Chain


N: Number of Teeth

Chain Pitch (mm)

Figure 4.18 Chain Pitch Versus Allowable Speed

4.2.7 Deciding the Attachment Type See the chapters on standard, Plus α Alpha, and special attachments in the Applications Section. 4.2.8 Calculation of Tension Here we have an example to determine the tension in a horizontal conveyor and free flow conveyor.

Terms T max : Maximum chain tension (kN). T : Static chain tension at each part of conveyor (kN).

Q : Maximum weight of conveyed objects (t/h). V : Conveying speed (the chain speed). (m/min.). H : Vertical center distance between sprockets (m). L : Horizontal center distance between sprockets (m). C : Center distance between sprockets (m). m : Mass of the working portion of the chain (kg/m). The mass of the chain 3 number of the chain strands, bucket, apron, etc.


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