The Complete Guide to Chain


Table 4.5 Allowable Conveyed Loads for Selected Conveyor Chains

units: kg/strand of chain

Allowable Conveyed Load

Conveyor Chain Size

RF Conveyor Chain

Bearing Roller Chain

RF03 RF05


14,000 33,300 36,700 53,300 90,000 116,700 150,000 230,000

12,500 14,300 20,500 33,900 44,600 57,100 86,600 91,100 143,800 201,800

RF08 • 450

RF10 RF12 RF17 RF26 RF36 RF60 RF90

- - -


NOTE: Calculated for horizontal conveyor. Safety factor = 7; Coefficient of rolling friction for RF type = 0.08, for bearing roller type = 0.03

4.2.9 Allowable Load of Roller and Standard A Attachment There are two kinds of allowable roller load: one is caused by load weight (Figure 4.21); the other by corner rail (Figure 4.22).


Roller Load

Roller Load

Corner Rail

Figure 4.21 Allowable Load Caused by Load Weight

Figure 4.22 Allowable Load Caused by Corner Rail


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