The Complete Guide to Chain

5. CHAINS AND ENVIRONMENTS Most chain is made of metal or engineered plastic, which may be impacted by the conditions under which the chain is operated. For example, the tem- perature or the amount of dust in the air can affect the chain. When you select a chain for your application, you have to take into account the environment in which the chain is operated. In this chapter, we will explain problems that may develop when operating a chain under certain conditions, and how to deal with them.


5.1.1 Use of Steel Chains in High Temperatures When heat-treated chains are run in temperatures higher than their temper- ing limits, the following problems may occur: • Increased wear due to decreased hardness. • Improper lubrication due to lubricant deterioration or carbonization. • Stiff joints and increased wear due to oxide scale formation. • Decrease in strength. To prevent lubricant deterioration at high temperatures, use a special lubri- cant. Table 5.1 shows the transmission capability of power transmission roller chains with high-temperature lubricant. Check the manufacturer’s catalog for additional information. When chains are used in temperatures above 250˚C, pay special attention to the composition and heat-treatment of the chain. The most popular type of chain for high temperature is SS specification, which is made of 304 stainless steel, and has a maximum working temperature of 650˚C at low speeds. However, to maintain an adequate safety margin at a high temperature like this, we suggest you use NS-specification chain. NS chain is made of 316 stain- less steel, which contains molybdenum and less carbon. NS specification has worked at low speed in environments up to 700˚C. If your operation runs at temperatures higher than 400˚C, consult the manu- facturer before making your chain selection. Production methods and materials may be specially adapted for your application.


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