The Complete Guide to Chain

5. Chains and Environments

5.3 OTHER CHAIN MATERIALS IN HIGH TEMPERATURES At very high temperatures, engineered ceramic is the material of choice. It offers extreme heat resistance. It has endured repeated temperature changes from ambient up to 1,200˚C (Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1 Engineered Ceramic Chain Will Endure Very High Temperatures

5.4 COPING WITH SPECIAL CONDITIONS When you use a metal or engineered plastic chain in special conditions, other environmental factors need to be considered. For example, if the chain gets wet, the wear life may change. Please refer to the sections shown below. 5.4.1 Use in Wet Conditions When metal chains are splashed with water or go through heated vapor, the following problems may occur: • Increase in wear due to improper or insufficient lubrication. • Decrease in strength due to corrosive attack. • Shortened chain life due to rust or corrosion of the chain. You can take the following steps to reduce the effect of wet conditions in several ways: 1.Use larger-sized chains to decrease the bearing pressure and increase wear resistance. 2.Allow for the corrosive-reduction factor in your calculations. 3.Use plated steel or stainless steel chain. Wear of engineered plastic chains may increase if they are used in water. In wet applications, stainless steel chains will wear less than engineered plastic chains.


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