The Complete Guide to Chain




Cotter Pin

Figure 7.3 Angle of Legs for Cotter Pins

7.1.2 Installation Accuracy After installing the chain, you need to check the accuracy of the installation. This involves verifying the amount of slack and the precise positioning of the shafts. Chain Slack The chain slack that you can move by hand (length SS', see Figure 7.4) should be about 4 percent of the span (length A-B) unless one or more of the following conditions apply: • The center line of sprockets is vertical or almost vertical. • The center distance of sprockets is more than 1 m. • The chain is subjected to heavy loads and frequent starts. • The chain is subjected to suddenly reversing loads. If one or more of these conditions apply to your operation, make the chain slack (length SS') about 2 percent.


Figure 7.4 Chain Slack


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