The Complete Guide to Chain


7.1.3 Start-Up Prestart-Up Checklist Before you start running the chain, check the following: 1. Connecting plates, clips, and cotter pins are installed correctly. 2. The chain slack has been properly adjusted. 3. Adequate lubrication is available. 4. The chain doesn’t touch any objects, like chain cases, etc. 5. There are no objects in the chain area, and all is clean. Start-Up Test Before beginning full operation, turn on the power and check the following: 1. Sound. There should be no strange noises. Make sure the chain doesn’t touch the case. 2. Vibration. Look for excessive chain vibration. 3. Sprocket-chain interaction. Make sure the chain doesn’t climb over the sprockets. 4. Sprockets. Be sure the chain separates smoothly from the sprocket. 5. Chain articulation. The chain should be articulating smoothly. If you notice any of these conditions, do not begin operation. Equipment or chain could be damaged. Correct any problems before proceeding. (See Basics Section 7.1.6 for additional information.) 7.1.4 Lubrication Power transmission chains and small pitch conveyor chains are usually pre- lubricated with rust-prevention oil before shipping. Nevertheless, it is essential to lubricate roller chain. Properly lubricated chain has a longer wear life and is less likely to develop rust. Lubricate the chain where the tension is minimal, applying the lubricant in the clearance between the link plates (Figure 7.8). Figure 7.9 shows the lubrication method and type of oil. Table 7.1 shows suggested lubricants for low-speed operation. If your operation runs at high speeds or in very high or low temperatures, refer to the manufacturer’s catalog for information on proper lubrication.

Figure 7.8 Lubricate Chain in the Clearance Between Link Plates


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