The Complete Guide to Chain


7.2.2 Installation Accuracy After installing the chain, you need to check the accuracy of the installation. This involves verifying the amount of tension and the precise positioning of the shafts. Chain Tension Gently lift the chain at the driven end behind the driven sprocket (where the chain tension is minimum). You should be able to move the chain slightly. This provides adequate play when the chain is running. If you are running more than one chain and they each have take-ups, adjust each take-up so that the chains are equal in tension (Figure 7.16). Horizontal Precision and Parallelism of the Shafts Refer to the method shown in Basics Section 7.1.2. The inclination between A and B should be within ± 1 mm. Accuracy of the Rails Check the rails. The connections should be smooth with no gaps. Figure 7.17 (i) shows examples of good connections; Figure 7.17 (ii) shows examples of bad connections.

Rail Width

Figure 7.16 Adjust Take-Up so Chains Are Equal

Figure 7.17 (i) Examples of Good Rail Connections

7.2.3 Start-Up After you install the chain, you must lubricate it. In addition, check the points in Basics Section 7.1.3. In addition to those shown, look at the following: 1. The rails and the sprockets are installed properly. 2. The rollers rotate smoothly.


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