The Complete Guide to Chain

7. Manipulation of Chains

Chain entrance guide must have sloped and radiused ends.

Figure 7.17 (ii) Examples of Poor Rail Connections

Figure 7.18 Proper Lubrication of Large Pitch Conveyor Chains

7.2.4 Lubrication Proper lubrication is very important for chain operation. The manufacturer usually ships large pitch conveyor chain without lubrication or rust protection. Therefore, before start-up, you must apply lubricating oil, such as SAE30 or SAE40, by brush or drip. You should lubricate mainly the bushings and rollers (Figure 7.18). To maximize the life of your chain during normal operation, lubricate it at least once a week. NOTE: Lubricate more often immediately after you install the chain and if the chain is used in harsh conditions (for example, at high speed, high load, high temperature). 7.2.5 Inspection A chain is a very reliable part of a conveying machine. You can expect very long life from a chain if you’ve followed the selection and operating guidelines properly. However, it is important to inspect a chain periodically to make sure it is operating correctly. During long-term use, pins, bushings, and rollers gradually wear. An unexpected shock load or the operating environment may cause prob- lems. To avoid any accidents caused by these factors, you must regularly inspect the items shown in Figure 7.19, and address any problems as described in Basics Section 7.2.6. Plan at least monthly inspections. If the chain is used in harsh conditions, inspect it more frequently. 7.2.6 Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving If you find something wrong with a chain during start-up or regular inspec- tion, it may require treatment as shown in Figure 7.19, or you may need to change to a different type of chain.


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