The Complete Guide to Chain


Remedy Remove the chain and correct the centering of the drive and driven sprockets. Remove the cause of the push and/or install a guide roller. Check and correct the faulty locations and replace the sprocket with a new part. Install a partition to protect the chain. Select a chain of suitable specification (for example, MTtype). Install a partition to protect the chain. Select a chain with large clearance between the pin, bushing, and roller. Inspect and correct the installation of the sprockets and axles. Inspect the lubrication or look into wear-resistant chain (for example, CTor BTspecification). Provide adequate clearance. Provide periodic lubrication. Reduce load. Reduce load. Adjust the chain length or distance between axles, or install a tensioner. Replace the chain and/or sprocket with the correct-sized part. Replace the chain or sprocket with the correct-sized part. Have the total arc of contact be at least three teeth on the sprocket. Reduce the load (for example, by installing a shock absorber). Adjust the catenary or take-up idler, or install a tensioner. Replace with a new chain.

Symptom Excessive wear at the inside of the chain’s link plates or the teeth surfaces.

Possible Causes Improper centering of the sprocket.

The chain is being pushed to the side. Vibration caused by the inaccurate finishing of the sprocket’s axle hole. Rusting or corrosion. Particles of the conveyed material have contaminated the pin, roller, and bushings. Otherwise, contamination from foreign particles. Deformation of the chain caused by Operation in extremely high temperatures (over 400°C). Seizure from excessive loads. Pin bending due to excessively high loading. Too much slack in the chain. Excessively worn sprocket. The chain and sprocket do not match. The chain and sprocket do not match. The total arc of contact with the chain on the sprocket is insufficient. Excessive load. improper installation. Inadequate lubrication. Inadequate back-tension. Excessive elongation of the chain due to wear. The distance between the center of the chain and the sprocket do not match. Inadequate lubrication to the contacting portions of the pin and bushing. Inadequate lubrication to the contacting portions of the bushing and roller. Winding or rising on the sprocket. Loose chain casing or axle bearing. Interference of the casing with the chain or other moving part. Excessive wear in the chain or sprocket.

Improper flex or bending of the chain.

The chain is winding on the sprocket.

The chain is climbing up on the sprocket.

Inspect and correct.

Provide sufficient lubrication.

Unusual noises.

Provide sufficient lubrication. Use a bearing roller or plastic roller.

See previous symptom. Tighten all nuts and bolts. Inspect and correct.

Replace the chain or sprocket. (Replace all chains connected.) Inspect and correct.

Improper setting of the guide rail.

Rail Step

Return Radius

Rail Incline

Rusting of the chain.

Select a more suitable chain material. Protect the chain from the environment. Apply a rust inhibitor. Eliminate the temperature difference between inside and outside of conveyor (using insulation, etc.). Provide sufficient lubrication. Consider bearing roller or GTchain specification. Periodic cleaning. Install partition to protect chain.

Inappropriate selection of material.


Improper roller spin and uneven roller wear.

Excessive load on roller.

Particles of the conveyed material, or other foreign particles, have gotten between bushing and roller. Particles of the conveyed material, or other foreign particles, have built up onto the rail. The lubricant is falling on the roller surface and rail without entering between the bushing and roller, and between the roller and link plate. The bushing and roller have rusted together. The inner plate is moving sideward. The bushing is cracked. The side surface of the roller is contacting the side of the link plate due to a thrust load. The chain and sprocket do not match. Excessively worn teeth.

Periodic cleaning. Install partition to protect chain.

Select the appropriate lubricant and lubrication method.

Select the appropriate specifications (RT, etc.). Replace with a new chain. Re-inspect the installation and load conditions. Reduce the load and lower the speed of rotation. Eliminate the cause of the thrust load.

Check for tooth deformation.

Figure 7.19 (i) Troubleshooting Large Pitch Conveyor Chain


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