Steel Mill Industry Brochure

Semi-finished Product Conveyor Chain

Chains used to convey slabs, billets, and other semi-finished products have to be designed in light of the product’s shape and temperature, as well as the conveying environment. Let Tsubaki’s extensive track record help find the right specifications for you.

Billet conveyor

Slab conveyor

Slab conveyor

Cooling head

Wire rod conveyor

Wire rod conveyor

NEP Series Roller Chain

Lines subjected to cold water sprays have problems with corrosion. With NEP Series, the pins, bushes, and plates have a unique triple layer coating, and the rollers are also specially coated, for added corrosion resistance. NEP Chain does not use hexavalent chromium, cadmium, mercury, or arsenic and so is RoHS compliant.

Covered Cable Carrier Systems

Covered or closed steel cable carrier systems should be used for applications where hot chips or severe contamination occur. The cover system also protects the layed cables against short-term radiant heat impact. Available as covered types with the robust Covered system RMD or economically priced, light covered types (steel band cover) for flying sparks and small chips.

Cover system RMD

Steel band cover

Overrunning Cam Clutches

Overrunning Cam Clutches spin freely the majority of the time, occasionally being called upon to lock up and drive. In a two-speed drive, when the gearmotor drives at low speed, the clutch engages and whent the faster electric motor drives, the clutch overruns switching between low and high speeds.

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